The University of Warsaw Library, the Institutional Repository of the University of Warsaw, and the University of Warsaw Research Data Repository are pleased to invite you to the international conference, entitled:

ReInforce! Strengthening the policy of openness in science at the University of Warsaw

which will take place on October 24-25, 2024
at the University of Warsaw Library
56/66 Dobra St., Warsaw.

To celebrate the inauguration of two new repositories – for research data and scientific publications – at the University of Warsaw in 2024, You are invited to participate in an upcoming conference to discuss the processes of supporting open science at Polish and European universities.

Save the date! More information will follow soon.

The project was granted with funds from the IDUB UW.


24 October 2024 (Thursday)
Day 1: speeches by national representatives
8:30 – 10:00 Registration (level 0, in front of the Library entrance) and coffee

10:00 – 10.30 Opening of the conference

10:30-11:00 Keynote speech

PANEL SESSION I 11:00 – 14:15 Open science policy at the University of Warsaw

11:00-12:30 – Open science initiatives at the University of Warsaw
Moderator: Magdalena Rowińska, deputy director of BUW

11:00-11:45 The ReIn project based on DSpace and strenghtening open science at the UW (Anna Książczak-Gronowska BUW / Piotr Masalski PCG)

11:45-12:10 Repozytorium Dane Badawcze (Research Data Repository) – Aneta Wysztygiel, Dominik Purchała, CKC-UW, ICM UW

12:10-12:30 ICM UW for Open Science – Jakub Szprot, Wojciech Fenrich, ICM UW

12:30-13:00 – Coffee break

13:00-14:00 Discussion panel Open Science – opportunities, benefits, challenges

Prof. Zygmunt Lalak (UW Vice-Rector)
Prof. Kamil Imbir (UW Faculty of Psychology)
Prof. Anna Cetera – Włodarczyk (UW Institute of English Studies)
Dr. hab. Julia Pawłowska (UW Institute of Evolutionary Biology)
14:00-14:15 – Q&A

14:15-15:00 – Lunch

PANEL SESSION II 15:00-16:30 Open science at Polish universities and its impact on international visibility

PANEL SESSION III 16:30-17:45 Opening data, funding infrastructure

17:30-17:45 – Q&A

25 October 2024 (Friday)
Day 2: International day (presentations in English)
9.00-9.30 – Welcome coffee

9:30-10:00 Keynote speech – Open source tools for open science. Tools supporting the PlanS requirements – Michele Mennielli (LYRASIS)

PANEL SESSION I 10.00-11:45 Mainstreaming open science in Europe – TRAIN 4EU+ project – part 1
Moderator – Lilianna Nalewajska, BUW

10:00-10:30 Ready and motivated, time for action – dr. Zuza Wiorogórska (University of Warsaw)

10:30-11:00 As open as possible, as closed as necessary - a new Open Research Data Strategy at Heidelberg University – dr. Georg Schwesinger (Heidelberg University)

11:00-11:30 Open tools supporting open science strategies at the University of Milan: a long journey – Paola Galimberti (University of Milan)

11:30-11:45 – Q&A

11.45 -12.15 – Coffee break

PANEL SESSION II 12.15-14:00 Mainstreaming open science in Europe - TRAIN 4EU+ project – part 2
Moderator – dr. Zuza Wiorogórska, BUW

12:15-12:45 – Advancing Open Science through Bioimaging: evaluating OMERO Plus as a proof of concept as a Research Data Management solutions – Richard Dennis (University of Copenhagen)

12:45-13:15 – Opening up science: a key focus of Sorbonne University's policy –Anne-Catherine Fritzinger (Sorbonne University)

13:15-13:45 – The Czech Open Science landscape – the case of Charles University – Milan Janicek (Charles University) 13:45-14:00 – Q&A

14:00-14:15 – Final conclusions and closing

14:15 – Lunch

About the conference

In modern scientific communication, the sharing of research results and data is increasingly based on principles of openness, verifiability, and replicability. Although the movement toward widespread and open access to knowledge is growing, it has not yet become the standard. The equitable distribution of knowledge and universal participation in it play a crucial role in the development and democratisation of societies. However, despite technological advancements, significant barriers to free access to knowledge remain.

The launch of two new repositories at the University of Warsaw, aimed at facilitating the sharing of scientific achievements and access to research data, prompts us to consider how best to promote access to science. What is necessary to achieve this? Is it solely about technological and legislative solutions? How should the rules of access to knowledge be regulated? What practices are already in place in Poland and worldwide?

The University of Warsaw's participation in the 4EU+ Alliance offers a unique opportunity to compare and learn from European universities that are more advanced in the realm of open science. This collaboration fosters the integration into the international scientific community, which undoubtedly enhances the quality of science and education at the University of Warsaw and elevates its prestige.

Presentations by representatives from partner universities in Germany, France, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Denmark will showcase European best practices and innovative solutions. Additionally, speakers from Poland will discuss specific initiatives at Warsaw's universities and broader issues related to the dissemination of science that concern researchers nationwide.

We hope that the presentations and discussions will provide a comprehensive view of openness in Polish science and that the conference will contribute to the development of this idea among researchers, PhD candidates, students, and all others interested in scientific achievements.

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

Please note: the number of places is limited. The order of registration is decisive.

If you have any questions or problems registering, please contact us at:

Organising Committee

Anna Książczak-Gronowska
Karolina Minch
Lilianna Nalewajska
Zuza Wiorogórska